
A Happy Birthday (II)

Before we restart the tournament we hear a knock on the door. I get up to open it since I want to greet everyone first, as it is only proper. Opening it I see Hermione standing next to two VERY normal-looking people. They are both wearing what I can only call church attire, a truly suburban family.

I smile "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Granger. It is great to finally meet you." I shake both of their hands.

Mrs. Granger pulls me into a hug "That you for taking such good care of our Hermione. I know she is very awkward, I'm sure it must have been difficult."

"MOM." I hear Hermione say in a hushed yell, her cheeks bright as roses.

"It wasn't much trouble really," I say pulling out of the hug.

Mr. Granger smiles "Hermione told me you were a mature young lad but it seems she was underselling it."

I gesture them inside "Please come in. Our home is mostly muggle so you don't have to worry about accidentally touching magical objects."

They both come in and everyone starts to exchange greetings and Hermione hands me a wrapped gift.

She smiles still blushing a bit "Happy Birthday Soren"

I take the gift with an odd smile "Thanks," I say a bit awkwardly. I find this type of social interaction is difficult...

I quickly put the present away while Hermione says hello to the others. When I come back out my three friends are on the couch talking while watching Mr. Granger and Uncle Ted play chess. Mrs. Granger, Auntie, and Sis are at the kitchen table talking about the wizarding world.

I sit down next to Ron on the end and ask Hermione. "Why are they playing chess? What did I miss?"

Hermione rolls her eyes. "My father happened to mention he was in the chess club for 6 years in Secondary School."

"Ah, that makes sense, adult men don't really age past 16 really, they just get better at hiding the immaturity." I laugh a bit.

Hermione rolls her eyes "Boys."

Harry speaks up "Hey, it's not our fault you don't talk to the girls." I don't think Harry is aware but that was quite the burn.

"Ah! I remember now. Daphne Greengrass is supposed to come today as well. Maybe you can be friends with her. " I give her a 'hopeful' smile.

Hermione scoffs "Not possible, she is a Slytherin.

I gasp "I take offense to that, the hat wanted to put me into Slytherin."

Ron and Hermione look at me with wide eyes but Harry speaks up "Me as well. The hat said I would fit in well there."

I nod "Slytherin isn't bad, but the stigma they get must suck."

Ron huffs "No good wizard comes out of Slytherin."

I chuckle a bit at his assertion "You know Merlin was a Slytherin. He is said to be the best wizard to live ever on this side of the world."

Hermione looks surprised "I didn't know that."

"It's not covered much in History of Magic. You would have to out of your way to read it." I shrug.

"Then how did you find it?" Ron asks.

I shrug again "I read for fun."

Hermione looks like she wants to say something but is stopped by a knock at the door. "I'll get it," I tell Auntie.

I open the door to see a beautiful girl with blond hair, green eyes, and sharp features standing there looking a bit scared. Next to her is a female house-elf who has a stuck-up aura a lot like Kreacher. She is only dressed in a linen tunic that hangs to her knees.

I smile "Hey Daphne, we were just talking about you, come on in."

She flinches nervously as she takes a low curtsy "The Greengrass family greets Lord Black."

I roll my eyes and tap the top of her head with a playful bat "Girl, I didn't help you study so your family would try to dig their way into my pockets. Get up let's go make you some friends."

"Leila, wait for me to call you," she says to the house-elf. The elf looks at me then back to her nods then vanishes in a snap. Again I am forced to roll my eyes at the seriousness of the arrogant house-elf.

I put my hand on her back as I guide her in "You know if you wanted to grow a connection between our families your father should have come as well. Also, we are like second cousins, don't be weird."

She blushes hard as she puts her head down "We are third cousins., and my Father couldn't make it today. He has been busy at the port the last few weeks."

I laugh a bit "Sure, sure, let me introduce you all."

I lead her in front of the trio. "Ron, Harry, Hermione, this is Daphne Greengrass. Daphne, the red one is Ron, the scrawny one is Harry, and the one with the ever curly hair is Hermione."

Daphne lowers her head a bit "It's nice to meet you all. As well as Lord Potter."

Harry looks confused and I roll my eyes. "We don't use titles here."

Harry looks at me still confused "I'm a Lord?"

"Yeah, I thought Hagrid explained everything to you," I say a little perturbed by his lack of information.

He shakes his head "Not that much. All I know is that my family was rich and pretty famous."

Daphne gasps "I'm so sorry, I forgot the savior was raised by muggles."

Harry smiles "It's fine, I still have a lot to learn."

"The Black family, The Weasley family, The Greengrass family, and formerly the Potter family are a part of the sacred twenty-eight. The Potter family was kicked out for their stance against blood purity, but they kept their lordship due to money. The Weasly family is considered noble but not lords... because they are poor, no offense Ron."

Ron still hasn't said anything and appears to be pouting. I find it funny so I won't be interrupting him.

Auntie walks up behind me and grabs my shoulders. "So young yet already bringing home women. What are you doing at Hogwarts anyway? Fighting trolls, flirting with women, quite the adventurer."

I see Daphne blush and Hermione looks a bit flustered. Daphe does a curtsey "It's nice to meet you I am Daphne Greengrass of the Greengrass family."

Auntie smiles and hugs me "I like her, she is cute. Good job Soren." This time I blush alongside her.

I slip out of her grip as I walk towards the backdoor. "How about we go play with Luar out back."

Harry and Hermione look excited even Ron does, but Daphne looks confused. "Ah right, you haven't met her. Luar is my unicorn." I say with a wide smile.

Her eyes go wide "The rumors were true?!" She nearly yells.

I nod with a grin "Let's go."

We all jog out back to see Luar in her pen bathing in the afternoon sunlight. Luar notices us and gets up obviously excited to see me. We get inside the pen and she immediately starts snuggling her head into me making me chuckle.

Daphne walks up to Luar. "May I pet her?" she looks to me for permission.

I look at Luar knowing she heard her."Ask her." I gesture to Luar.

Daphne looks up nervously at Luar "May I?"

Luar lowers her head to Daphne letting her pet her. Daphne lets out a girlish squeal as she pets Luar's nose and bushes her mane through her fingers.

Hermione also walks up and strokes her mane. Harry just stands next to me and Ron stands a few feet back mumbling.

"Won't even let me pet her but the new girl can? Inequality I tell you." I smirk at his mumbling.

I sit back and watch the girls pet Luar, who seems to be very happy about the attention she is getting. I see Shy land on top of the stable as a package falls from him into my arms.

It's labeled "From the Malfoy Family, To Young Lord Black" I roll my eyes, I should wait to open it since I don't want another letter bursting into flames in front of everyone.

After a while, Harry walks up and Luar lets him gently pet her, she even lets Ron get close enough to touch her.

'She must be in a good mood from all the attention.'

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