
Chapter 64

“Finally up, huh?”

Nathan jumped. His brain was still a little fuzzy and so was his vision as he blinked toward the sound of that voice. Jim and Sasha were sitting at the table in the middle of the room. It took Nathan a moment to realize they were playing cards.

“You feeling okay?” Sasha asked, smiling his usual, friendly smile as if no awkward incidents had happened the night before.

Nathan didn’t feel like lying, and since he didn’t want to ask one of them to just shoot him in the head to end his misery, he said, “I thought you hated playing cards.”

Jim snorted.

Sasha just shrugged. “I make an exception for Go Fish. Besides, your brother owes me so much money by now, I would have been a fool to pass up a few extra hands.”

“Yeah right,” Jim said. “Like I’d play for real money. Lunch? Or…breakfast for you, I guess?” He turned back to Nathan.

Nathan still wasn’t entirely awake but managed a short nod. “Sure. Food. Whatever.”

Next chapter