
Chapter 2



Holy wow. Philip had almost forgotten the shiver that went through him whenever he saw Michael Kennedy. He was certainly a man who drew anyone’s eye. Tall, blond, athletic with a laidback attitude that made anyone relax. He was a rational man with warm eyes that Philip had to stop staring at.

And he was staring at Philip in some confusion.

“Hey…” Philip realized he was staring and cleared his throat. Form-fitting sweaters on a man like Michael should be made illegal. “I was looking for Adam. He missed our lunch date again. I was wondering if he was okay.”

“He’s fine, but…” Michael frowned. “You and he had a lunch date?”

“Yes.” Philip didn’t like the way the big man was looking at him. “Why are you looking at me like that?”


Michael hesitated. His body language had shifted. Now he was uncomfortable. Philip’s gut tightened. Something was wrong.

“Who is it, Michael?”

Another male’s voice sounded from behind Michael, and Philip felt his pulse quicken. Then the tall, slim figure of Michael’s adopted brother appeared in the hall. His pale brown hair looked a little mussed, and he was adjusting the buttons on his sleeves, almost like Philip had caught him in the middle of something. And he still looked damn good in a ruffled state.

Enough. You’ve got a boyfriend, remember? Stop ogling his two brothers.

The third man raised his eyebrows when he saw Philip.

“Oh, Philip.”

“Aiden.” Philip glanced between the two of them. “What’s going on? Why is Michael acting oddly?”

Aiden was also frowning. He looked at Michael, who sighed.

“Adam lied to us, Aiden.”

Aiden closed his eyes and turned away with a muffled curse. Now Philip was very confused.

“Lied to you? What about?” He looked at Aiden. “What’s going on?”

Aiden let out a heavy sigh and ran his hand through his hair.

“Adam told everyone that you two broke up just before Halloween.” He said through gritted teeth. “That it wasn’t working between you two anymore, and he had to tell you it was over.”

For a moment, Philip thought he must have misheard. But the look on Aiden’s face said it all.

“He said…but…we haven’t broken up. He’s never said a word about it to me.”

“That’s what he told us and our parents.” Michael said grimly. “Said that you were…well, he wasn’t exactly kind about it.”

Adam had said they were not in a relationship anymore. That didn’t make any sense. He had never told Philip that they weren’t a couple at Halloween, or any time after that. But…

His heart sank. It did make sense as to why he wasn’t as astute with meeting Philip for their dates and spending time together. He was always looking for an excuse to get away early or not come at all. At the time, Philip had accepted his excuse that his schoolwork was getting intense and he was in his final year. Adam said it was taking a lot of his energy.

Not so much that they were able to have sex. That part of their love life was still very active. That didn’t fit with Adam wanting to end it. Unless it was to tell his mom and dad he wasn’t in a gay relationship anymore. That would make them happy.

“We’re still seeing each other.” Philip felt like he had been punched in the gut. “He had become tardy with his timekeeping, but I thought it was university stuff. Why didn’t he come out and tell me?”

Aiden sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“You know what Adam’s like. He likes to do things his own way and let you find out after the fact.”

Then he winced. Michael looked pained. And then Philip heard the reason why. There was some banging coming from inside the house. A regular one that he recognized. And a lot of moaning from a male.

And a female.

Philip knew those moans. He had heard them many times over the last six months. Pushing past Michael, who moved without any real effort, Philip hurried up the stairs. He had been in the house twice, but never upstairs. His parents had refused to let him step a foot over the threshold, which had hurt. But Philip founds the moans, and now the fast, rhythmic slapping of flesh on flesh.

God, he was beginning to feel sick.

Philip and barged straight into the room. Adam was on his knees, fucking a girl from behind as she bucked on her hands and knees, snorting like a pig. Adam groaned and stopped thrusting for a moment, turning with a scowl toward the door.

“Jesus, guys, haven’t you heard of…” His voice faded when he saw Philip. “Oh. It’s you.”

“Yeah, it’s me, Adam.”

Philip recognized the girl, still with Adam’s cock buried inside her. Kelly, one of his classmates. Adam claimed they studied a lot and sat together in class to share notes. He had said there was nothing between them despite Kelly blatantly pawing Adam even with Philip next to him. Philip had believed that at the time.

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