
Chapter 33

“If you pick up his work this week, I can have him in the city on Friday.”

“Friday will be great. I’ll clear my calendar and we can do lunch. We can hit The Marrow on Bank Street. It’s a great new restaurant in the West Village and not far from the gallery.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t ask before,” Dennis chimed in. “What’s the name of your gallery?”

“I should have mentioned it, maybe you’ve heard of us, Bogartus Studios?”

Dennis could barely speak he was so excited. He stuttered, “Oh my God, of course I know the name, you’re one of the hottest galleries in New York,” Dennis answered. “You’ve made my day, Alex, my Dennis is happy.” Turning his attention to the service attendant, Luca continued, “Fill it up, premium.”

“I’m glad you finally found someone, Luca. You sound very happy. You should be, after all, you introduced me to John.”

“I did, didn’t I?”

“You’re not doing this as a favor to Luca?” Dennis asked, wanting to make sure he was getting this show on the merits of his work.

Next chapter