
Chapter 29

Luca answered his unspoken question. “If I prepare you properly, you can take me easily. You’re mine, my baby, finally mine.” This time it was Luca who shed the tears. Dennis kissed each one.

Dennis sat on the bed to finish undressing.

Luca got out his shaving gear. “I don’t want to abrade your fine skin.”

“I only have to shave every other day; all I have is peach fuzz,” Dennis said ruefully.

Luca took out a shaving cup and brush. He wet the brush and put it in the soap cup. The brush caressed his soon-to-be lover’s face. He watched Luca pull the razor over his skin in strong, confident strokes. It was sexy as hell sharing such an intimate moment. Luca raised his chin exposing the hollow of his throat a place where Dennis wanted to lick and bite; watching Luca shave made Dennis’ cock harder. It began to leak a steady stream of pre-cum. Finally, Luca finished.

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