
Chapter 9

“What the hell do you think you are doing to this patient, Jones? Get the hell out of this room. I’ll take any lab orders for this patient myself. You’ve been reprimanded once tonight, what is your problem?” Jones left the room in a huff. Dennis watched as Deb Conti shook her head

“I suspect the problem is that I’m both gay and sick. I know I don’t have AIDS; but he doesn’t,” Dennis said quietly.

“That’s no excuse…” she answered.

“No, but it is a reason. People who are homophobic don’t need an excuse. Look, see if you can get me out of here tonight. I’ll just close my eyes for a little while and I’ll feel better and then you can let me go home with no stain on your conscience, okay?”

“We’ll see,” Deb replied.

* * * *

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