
Chapter 50

Jake patted his belly. “Tomorrow we get up at five and workout or you’ll be kicking me out of bed because I’m fat.”

Davey turned to him with a serious look on his face. “That will never happen.” Jake smiled.

Again when they were ready for bed, Jake held out his hand and Davey came right to him. Jake pulled Davey into his strong arms and Davey fell right to sleep.

* * * *


They worked out on Wednesday morning. “I’m happy you can keep up,” Jake said as they hit the last stop on the circuit, the rowing machine. So far, Davey was able to do as many reps as Jake. Davey knew he’d be sore later, but it felt good, the two of them working out together.

Nothing noteworthy happened on Wednesday except for a partner’s meeting which was held behind closed doors in the conference room. Jake was smiling afterward but the other partners were grim. Jake didn’t say anything to Davey and Davey knew better than to ask.

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