
Chapter 17

“Uh…Sir, I don’t drive.” Davey was embarrassed. “I never had to, I’ve always taken the subway or the bus and since I didn’t leave the city it was never a problem.”

“There are driving schools in the city. You can learn. Here is your credit card. American Express sent it over by courier this afternoon. Do you have any charge cards that need to be paid off?”

“I have a Visa. It had a balance of two hundred dollars. I paid it off during the first months I was on unemployment. I figured maybe I wouldn’t be able to later. I was still hoping to find work soon then.” Davey sniffled.

“You’re very responsible.” Jake was amazed. “Not many twenty-five year olds have the sense to stay out of debt, especially with a job loss.”

“You forget I was a foster kid. There was no one to help me but me, so I had to stay out of debt and out of trouble. Wednesday was the first time I’ve been in trouble since I left the group home.”

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