
Chapter 12

“Thank you, Sir. There isn’t much; just a few cartons of books and some office furniture, patient files and my medical journals.”

“You won’t need the office furniture, the hospital offices come furnished. Cisco specifically put in the contract that he would provide any necessary furniture or other things you may want for your comfort at home. Your old office furniture can go into Cisco’s storage unit.” Bear was anxious to get on with it.

“Then the medical journals and patient files can go over to the hospital wherever he wishes to put me. The rest we can pack in boxes and put in the garage separated and labeled for his house or the storage unit for the truck to pick up on Monday.”

“Good, I’ll have the bouncers pack it all up then. Have another cup of coffee while I get my act together.”


“Yes, Greg.”

“Where does my Master live?” Greg’s hands shook with nervous energy. He was about to realize his dream of eight years and he hadn’t had a chance to process all of it yet.

Next chapter