
Chapter 46

“Why not, the drinks are free tonight anyway.” Carlo put his arm around Jack and steered him away.

“Jack may have done his own recruiting, honey. He seemed happy enough to go off with Carlo.” Mark kissed Reggie’s ear and whispered, “Maybe Jack has found someone all on his own.”

Reggie frowned. “Carlo’s a player. He might not be the right one for Jack. That’s all Jack does now are flybys. He doesn’t need someone else who’s only interested in a one-night stand.”

“Carlo looked very interested in what Jack had to say as well as how he looked.”

Bobby, having overheard the conversation moved between Mark and Reggie. He watched Carlo and Jack head toward the bar. “If Carlo and Jack make a connection, it’s all good so long as Beau doesn’t show his face.”

Reggie’s shoulders tensed. “I pray to God that Beau stays away. The baby is due any day now and I think once the newness of being a father wears off, Beau’s going to go hunting, and his target will be Jack.”

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