
Chapter 108

“Mr. Llewellyn-Wyndham, do you have any comment? After all, your husband and Mr. Richardson were very…close…at one time.”

I wasn’t surprised the members of the fourth estate had somehow managed to discover Aaron had been my lover when we were teenagers. As one of the wealthiest men in America, whatever I did was news, even if it had happened more than twenty years before.

“Yes, I do.”

Those vultures were almost salivating to hear what he had to say. If it came to that, I was interested, too. Although I’d told Kipp a bit about what had happened with Aaron all those years ago, he had never asked about him, and I hadn’t been sure if I should be relieved or concerned

Kipp looped his arm through mine, and in spite of how tired he was, he gave me the most adoring smile. “Hyde Wyndham is married to me, and what Aaron Richardson does, whether that’s divorcing his wife—a lovely woman, by the way, who’s always been tremendously kind to me—or putting his company on the market—”

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