
Chapter 78

The horror came when she looked in the mirror. She didn’t recognize herself at first. She was down to eighty-nine pounds and her hair was long and fell down her back. It was mostly gray.

“All that can be taken care of,” Shirley assured her. “Once you start eating good food, you put the weight back on. And hair-color isn’t anything, most of us dye it, anyway.” She laughed and fluffed her own auburn hair.

Physical therapy started next.

At first she got light-headed just sitting up, but the more she sat, the less the dizziness

“Feel like taking a walk?” Shirley asked as she came into the room with another woman in a nurse’s uniform. “We need to get you up from that bed. You can’t rest on your laurels. Or your derriere, for that matter. We’ve got to give this bed to somebody else who reallyneeds it.”

Cam smiled. “I’m ready when you are.”

“Let me get these machines out of the way and you can stand up.”

Next chapter