
Chapter 8

“Hey,” June snapped, “I’m not the bully here. I didn’t wreck your crap, did I?”

“No, I mean you think you’re better than me,” Eloise retorted. “You always think you’re so much smarter than the rest of us.”

“Yeah? Well, you act like you’re cooler than the rest of us. The way you talk, act, dress. The way your friends call you ‘Ease’ instead of ‘Eloise.’ It’s so…”



Eloise’s eyebrows arched in surprise. June released an embarrassed yelp and covered her mouth. Back then I rarely ever swore. If I did, I would be immediately grounded. But in that moment, Eloise and June exchanged a glance and they burst into laughter.

“I can’t believe you said ‘fuck.’”

“I didn’t! I said fricking, fricking!”

“You definitely said ‘fuck,’” she said, throwing back her head and laughing. “But you say it in the weirdest way. Like there’s an ain there somewhere.”




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