
Chapter 53

Liam didn’t say much and eyed Pad, which made him uncomfortable. “So how do you know Wayne?” asked Liam.

Jack’s brow raised, waiting for Pad’s response as Pad spit out, “From the gym. Working out.”

“Really, cuz I work out the same time as Wayne. He hangs around Frankie a lot.”

Pad shrugged, thrown off that Wayne had a workout partner he never mentioned. Wayne and Pad recounted everything when they would see each other, talked about the boring details of their work life for a few minutes.

Jack approached Pad. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah,” Pad whispered. “Why?”

His eyebrow arched before Jack continued. “Nothing. You just got real quiet for a moment there.”

“All right, eight ball in the corner pocket,” Liam pointed. All three of them watched Liam.

As he made it, Matt whistled. “That’s two in a row man, glad I didn’t bet you,” Matt said.

“You guys want the table?” Liam asked.

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