
Chapter 5

He passed Adam running back to get another cart. “Wait!” When Adam skidded to a stop, he swapped flashlights. “You’ll get more light with this one.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“How much time?” Lync asked.

“Seven minutes.”

“Go, go, go.”


He parked the cart beside the other two, sprinted back to the store, and grabbed another cart. This time, after adding more cases of water to the bottom of the cart, he headed for the aisle that held canned fruits and vegetables. Most of the cans had lids that popped off, but some didn’t, and he barreled around another aisle where items such as can openers were stocked, and he tossed a few that were battery-operated into the cart. And to be on the safe side, he threw in a couple of manual openers as well.

Next chapter