
Chapter 20

“Do you think I should move back?” I asked. “I’d really like to know.”

“What about this guy you’re seeing? Zach?”

I didn’t want to explain Zach to my dad. I went with, “It’s complicated.”

“Isn’t everything?”

I never knew my dad was a philosopher.

“Your sister would like it. Your mother, too. It would be nice to have the whole family together in the same place again.”

I glanced at him as he swung away. “Is that a yes?”

“No. Look, you’ve built yourself a life there in Miami, haven’t you? You have a great job that you’re good at.” Dad shrugged. “Or I assume so.”


“Not that you couldn’t get one here. But you’d have to take the bar exam here. Pretty much start your life all over. The only people you still know here are family.” He smiled crookedly. “And some of them you haven’t talked to in a while.”

I felt a pang of guilt. It was getting harder not to feel guilty over the estrangement with my family. “So…no?”

Next chapter