
Chapter 4

Finally having enough of my own self-indulgence, I straightened away from the door and went to pack my things.

* * * *

“You’re fidgeting.”

“I hate flying,” I said, leaning my head against the uncomfortable headrest. We were fortunate in that at least there were only two seats on the row we were in. No stranger to squeeze us into tiny spaces. We were both pretty tall, with long legs and arms. “Should have gotten first class.”

Zach snorted. “At twice the price. It’s not ideal, but we’re managing.”

“Yeah, but at least I could be drunk and pampered by the time we got to LA.”

“No amount of pampering is going to make a difference.”

“How about the drunkenness?”

“Probably make it worse. Mick, I know you hate having to deal with this.”

I sighed. “Yeah. You know, I never intended to stay away for this long. It just…Things got out of hand, and it just never happened. And then part of me never wanted to go back.”

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