
Chapter 11

Brad understood. Naturally. But it hurt anyway. So much for the lube and condoms. He was not going there.

Under control again, both mentally and physically, Brad rose from the bed and went back to the living room. He could smell the pizza so he went to check on it when he realized Justin was still on the phone. Sounded like to his agent.

Not quite ready. He closed the oven and turned, smacking right into Justin’s chest. Brad’s lungs seized. Though they were separated by both of their shirts, he could feel the heat coming from the otherman’s skin. Could feel the ripples of Justin’s muscles.

When the hell had Justin come into the kitchen, and why was he standing so damn close? He pushed him. He actually reached out and pushed space between himself and Justin. Not a hard shove but an effective one. Hurt glinted briefly in Justin’s gaze but Brad decided to ignore it. It was way better this way.

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