
Chapter 10

“Listen kid, you’ve had to carry a lot and I can see you’re all sorts of messed up about it, but you ain’t alone no more. I know we don’t see eye to eye on everything and I can’t promise you much but a shoulder to cry on, but the way you tell it, that’s more than you’ve had before.”

Vergil gave his hand a quick squeeze before letting Hogan return to the gearstick. “Thank you.”

Hogan smirked. “Thank you—I’ve never been in a car with somebody with weirder secrets than me before.”

A careful smile crept onto Vergil’s face. “Who knew you could top Cake-eating bootlegger?”

Hogan barked out a laugh.

They rolled into Arkham just before sundown and with no idea if they had been followed or not. The arguments had started up again before they made it onto paved streets. Hogan was growling. “My place is like a fortress, you sleep in a doss-house. If those froggy looking bastards come after us, I know where I’d rather be holed up.”

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