
Chapter 118

“You’re wrong, Carolyn. He’s just a nice guy.” Billy glanced over at Gene as he browsed the songs onthe jukebox. He glanced up and caught Billy staring. Heat crept across Billy’s cheeks and he bit his lower lip. Gene gave him a wink and turned back to the jukebox, putting in a couple of coins.

Carolyn rolled her eyes. “Whatever, Billy. You know I’m right. There is heat between you guys that…well, frankly I’m jealous of! I’ve never felt that for anyone.”

Billy sat back, a little stunned at his sister’s words and wishing his damn order would arrive. He feltfidgety and didn’t know what to do with his hands.

Carolyn giggled. “Calm down, Billy, or he’s going to see how nervous you are.”

The waitress chose that moment to show up with their order. As she placed the sugary treats on the table, Gene arrived back at the booth and slid in beside Billy again, this time letting his thigh press against Billy’s.

He trembled as he tried to focus on his malt.

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