
Chapter 96

“Thank you, Sir.” The officer nodded and left.

Richard C. Deems turned to one of his companions. “Why don’t you stay out here and keep Lieutenant Erickson company,” he said. Then he pushed open the door without knocking and entered the room.

Cameron was astounded to see her boss enter the room, but didn’t recognize the second man who wore dark sunglasses to hide his eyes although something about him was familiar. Playing it cool until she knew what was happening, she said nothing, but looked back at the TV where cartoon characters were running back and forth, trying to chase down a run-away train.

Richard C. withdrew his badge and held it out for her to see.

“Richard C. Deems, DEA. We’re here to ask you a few questions, Miss Andrews.” Then he turned to make sure the door had closed completely behind him.

“About what?” Cam didn’t look away from the TV.

“Have you ever been involved in drug trafficking?” Deems asked.

“I sold some aspirin to my sister once.”

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