
Chapter 91

It was perfectly clear to her. She was the go-between and she knew what a fine line she balanced on. Both sides could be deadly for her and she didn’t like the look in the eyes that bore into her at that moment.

“I’ll make a call tonight. Mike didn’t say anything.”

“Mike wasn’t on the truck. The new driver said he was sick.”

“Mike’s never sick!” Tony’s throat was almost closed with tension. “I’ll call him.” She reached for the phone on the desk.

“Not from here, you idiot.” God, but this one person could make her feel like a complete fool. How she wanted to smash that face that sneered at her.

“And find out what your little G-man knows about this. I’m tired of paying him and then getting these big surprises.”

“Yeah.” Tony wasn’t sure what to do now.

“I think you look sick. Why don’t you go home now?” was the suggestion.

“Yeah, Right. Good idea.” Tony got up.

There was a pause. “Do you need to take Frank with you?”

Tony looked up alarm. “Frank! Do we need that?”

Next chapter