
Chapter 87

Tuck, her back to the camera, carefully handed the one remaining bag of powder to Douglas. “Put this where we can divvie it up later. We got orders to fill.”

* * * *

Maggie walked happily into the bi-weekly status report meeting and tossed her notepad on the table, blithely, as she slid into the chair. For the first time in months she hadn’t dreaded coming to the meeting. At last she had some concrete information to report.

“It’s coming in through the laundry with the detergent.”

Deems looked at Maggie. “She’s sure?”

Maggie smiled broadly. “She says the reason we never found anything was because it was in a fake pipe in the ceiling. It was right over your head all the time.”

Deems laughed. “Damn her! That is good! Six months has been a long time to wait, but when she does something, she does it right.”

“So, aren’t you sorry you hired a ‘goddamned lesbian’?” Maggie threw back in his face.

“Who she sleeps with has nothing to do with this.”

Next chapter