
Chapter 78

“Oh, no. No problem. I’m sure everything is alright.” Paul turned back to the stairs. “Oh, Mr. Watson,” he added. “If he comes back, tell me, but don’t let on that you mentioned him to me. Okay? And next time it snows, let me do the shoveling? I need the exercise.”

With that, Pauly bounded up the stairs and into the apartment. He had to call Maggie. This could be serious. 19

Cameron was walking down the corridor toward the recreation room to watch TV when, as she turned a corner, her eyes were diverted by movement down the other hallway. One of the guards was unlocking a small storage closet and, as Cam watched, she ushered Gina inside and followed her, closing the door behind them.

Her first impulse was to rush to Gina’s rescue, but she realized that Gina had appeared more than willing to go into the closet with her. Cam had no doubts about what was happening in there.

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