
Chapter 74

Cam forced her shoulders to relax. She shook her head.

“Has the food gotten any better?” (Are you gaining any new information?)

Cam seemed to relax a bit. She shook her head and nodded as she grinned back at Maggie. “There was a really tasty meal a couple nights ago.”

Maggie returned her smile and relaxed a little. She was amused at what she knew was one of Cam’s double entendres. At least Cam still had her sense of humor.

“Was it filling?” (Good information?)

“I could develop a taste for it.” (It looks hopeful.)

“Don’t get too fat on it.” (Be careful.)

“Are you seeing him again?” Cam asked. (What was Deems thinking?)

“Yes. It’s very platonic but I think he wants more than that.” (He was getting impatient.)

“Make him wait. He’ll get what he deserves. Maybe in the not too distant future. In fact, Christmas may be closer than he thinks.” (Tell him she was on to something. And it might break soon.)

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