
Chapter 42

Cameron wove her hand into Michael’s hair and pushed her head back to look straight into her eyes. “Can’t you hear me? I said ‘down’. Hands on the floor, garce.”

Michael looked at her with astonishment. Where had Cam picked that up; the French street slang for “bitch”?

“Didn’t think I knew French, did you? Well, I know that much. Now hit the floor before I get angry.”

Michael slowly leaned forward. Cameron pushed her the final two inches until her palms were on the floor.

“Very good. Tres bien. Just stay like that.” Cameron walked around behind Michael.

Michael was shell-shocked. What had come over Cameron? She hadn’t expected any of this but something in Cam’s eyes made her afraid to disobey. Perhaps she had pushed too far last night. Her mind raced. And her heart was beginning to pound. Her lips were dry. A combination of fear and excitement was overtaking her. No one had tried to dominate her in years. It was a new experience.

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