
Chapter 101

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It was almost eight by the time I parked my car and let myself into my building.

I wasn’t exactly looking forward to staring at four walls or even seeing what RobertOsborne had to say about the classic movie that was about to air, so on the spur of the moment, I decided to talk to Theo, my landlord.

I’d been raised on coffee that came already ground and in a can—Maxwell House, Chock full o’Nuts, A&P. If my old lady wasn’t hungover, and if she was feeling ambitious, she’d brew a pot. Otherwise it was instant from a jar. It didn’t matter to me, as long as it had caffeine.

Quinn, on the other hand, preferred fresh-ground coffee, so I’d read up on it and bought an electric grinder. I’d given some thought to picking up a French press, butit sat there on the shelf trying to look innocent. Innocent, my ass. What it was really trying to do was intimidate me. Fucking French gadget. Well, that would be thefucking day.

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