
Chapter 60

“Ass. Once we get in the car, you can tell me what happened. Now, let me take your carry-on.” He put his arm around my shoulder as we started to walk down the concourse. “Cris would have come, but I left him to tend bar…”

“I’m sorry, Tim. I didn’t even think…I’m putting you out.”

“I don’t want to hear that. You’re family as far as I’m concerned, and you’ll never put me out. Besides, it’s good experience for Cris to handle the bar on his own. I stopped at the store before I drove to the airport. I didn’t think United would appreciate it if you brought a litter box on board.”

“I’m sorry…”

He gave me a shake. “None of that, I said. I had fun shopping for my godkitty.”

When I’d first told Tim and Cris about Wills giving me Miss Su, Tim had declared himself her godfather. “And is Cris supposed to be her godmother?” I’d snickered.

“No, that would be Paul.” And we’d both laughed.

I didn’t think I’d ever laugh again.

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