
Chapter 76

“A little bit, but that’s why there’s a bell that I can hear over the tattoo machine.”

“That’s so cool!” said the oldest of the three kids, a boy of maybe ten, his eyes as wide as saucers.

“So cool,” parroted a girl, who must’ve been couple of years younger.

The third one, a toddler, nodded vigorously with a thumb in their mouth.

“Do you guys have any tattoos?” Kaos asked the kids, making the mom smile as she turned to look at the pastry display case.

“Nuh-uh, we’re just kids!” the girl said in a tone that suggested Kaos was a bit stupid for asking.

“Well, I might have a solution for that,” Kaos said, and the dad turned to look at him with interest. “I have temporary tattoos made from my own designs for kids, and I can also draw on your skin with body markers. They’re FDA approved, so nontoxic.”

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