
Chapter 6

For a few more minutes Tom wrestled with the decision of whether or not to go into the woods to find out what might be waiting in there.

Finally he said, “Fuck it,” and got up from the table.

He had to piss and decided it would be a good chance to check out any new messages that might be on the walls of the john.

As Tom passed the troll, the man looked up expectantly. Tom kept his eyes averted and kept on walking. He didn’t want to do anything that would make the guy think he had changed his mind.

Once inside the dimly lit building, Tom let his eyes adjust. He went to the urinal and pulled out his cock. While he pissed he reviewed the messages on the wall in front of him. There was nothing new. Finishing, he stuffed his dick back into his jeans. Next he entered the stall and looked at the back of the door where he'd found John’s message a few days earlier. It was still there, but something had been added.

Be back again next Monday. How about you M-6?

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