
Chapter 9

So as not to sit and wait for the phone to ring, I headed out to do some shopping and get a bite to eat. When I walked in three hours later, my answering machine welcomed me with Neil’s request to call him. After pouring a glass of iced tea to settle myself, I picked up my trusty cordless and let my fingers do the walking.


“Hi, it’s me Yvette. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

“No, just sitting here. You are a hard person to catch. I tried calling you at home Thursday and yesterday but I kept getting this person with a funky accent who said he did not know anyone named Yvette Thurman. Of course, the piece of paper with your cell number is nowhere to be found.”

“That’s odd, what number did you call?”


“That’s not my home number. Oh snap, the first three digits are my home numbers, but the last four is my cell number. I must have been so nervous I combined them when I gave you my number Wednesday.”

“Well I’m glad you called me back. What are you doing tonight?”

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