
Chapter 38

As they made their way slowly down the side of the bluff, they made sure to smile and nod, so as not to alarm the group below. When they came level with them, Lee, Tatanka and Sleeps With Dog dismounted and gave the peace greeting sign of the Dakota.

The men nodded and smiled.

Well, so far so good, Lee thought.

Tatanka pointed to himself and said “Dakota.” Then he pointed to them and said. “Anasazi?”

The men smiled and a murmur of laughter went through the group. A handsome man in the front of the group replied, shaking his head, “Hopitun Shi-nu-mu.”

Tatanka nodded. “Hopi.”

“I am Running Buffalo,” he signed. Then he said his name aloud in Dakota, pointing to himself. He did the same for Lee and Sleeps with Dog: first the sign, then the name.

The man who had identified the people as Hopi, pointed to himself and said, “Hania.”

“Hau Hania,” replied Tatanka, bowing his head.

Next chapter