
Chapter 69

When we entered the ballroom,I found it hard not to be impressed.The theme was“Under the Water,”and the decoration committee had hit it out of the park.Large fish balloons hung from the ceiling,along with clear round ones that made it look like bubbles traveling upward.Pale blue tablecloths,clear glass plates,and glasses covered the round tables,evenly spaced around the dance floor.Blue lighting provided a beautiful effect.

Jeff and I looked at each other in shock,then turned in our tickets and made our way through the maze of teenagers.

Kevin waved us over to his table.Jeff pulled me along with him and I couldn’t help smiling.It was sweet how he always wanted to touch me.

“Hey,guys.”Kevin looked good in a gray tux with a pale blue tie,and I glanced around the table trying to guess which girl might be his date.I didn’t see anyone with a matching blue dress,though.

“Who are you here with?”I asked.

He shrugged.“No date.I came with a couple of guys from my debate team.”

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