
Chapter 27

“Just had my delivery a few days ago. Okay, you’ve got the checklist, start calling out things on the list.”

Dez did, going through cat food and litter, cat shampoo and the like, then items for the café, napkins, condiment packs in individual serving sizes, huge bag of coffee beans and tea bags.

When that was done, they went to the kitchen and counted plates, bowls, glasses, and cups, in case of breakages during the week.

“Do you even count the knives and forks?” Dez asked, impressed at the attention to detail

“That takes too long. The easiest method is to weigh them.”

“On what?”

“The scale the vet uses for the cats when he comes around for their monthly checkups. No, let me get that,” he said as Dez went to pick up two of the baskets that held cutlery. Dez took just one instead, though flushed with embarrassment. Did Fran think him weak? Someone who needed to be taken care of?

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