
Chapter 18

Marie Claire handed him a smoothie. “It’s banana, strawberry, and raspberry. That’s what was freshest at the market this morning.”

“Luc takes Marie Claire to the greengrocers every morning at five thirty. Because she buys from him every day and arrives just before he opens, she gets her pick of the produce and fruit before any of the other customers. She always gets the best he has in the store. Drink up. It’s time to go downstairs.” Rémy took a gulp of his drink.

Ian accepted the glass Marie Claire proffered. “Thank you. It’s nice that you get up early to get the best ingredients. You must take the same pride in your work that I take in mine.”

“Pshaw…go on now. You Irish are silver tongued devils. Meg told me that all the Irish have facile tongues. She’s Armand’s housekeeper, and this is her kitchen. I’m sure you’ll meet her and her husband Pierre soon.” Marie Claire blushed and Ian smiled.

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