
Chapter 34

“We home school the little ones because they can’t control their shifts until they’re seven or eight. But the older children go to public or private school depending on their parents’ means and choice. Some of the parents send their children to boarding school, but I don’t encourage the practice. The pups need to be around the pack.”

It’s like living with all of your relatives, nasty aunts and uncles included. Colin stirred his coffee.

“What do you do in the winter?” Colin was worried he’d be bored, but he didn’t say that to Marc.

“We go snowboarding, cross country skiing, ice skating, and ice fishing. The pack has a hockey team, and we play in the local arena. We have several snowmobiles for general use and six for the big house. Inside we have DirecTV in every home with all the movie networks.”

“You pay for all of this?” Colin asked jaw dropping.

“It’s my duty to keep them comfortable. I’m the Alpha of this pack.”

Colin could tell that Marc took his title very seriously.

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