
Chapter 29

3rd POV

In a dark room there were two figures talking to each other, they both had black robes on. The two figures were sitting on a table facing each other "god damn that bastard who does he think he is" one of the figures said angrily as he slammed his fist down on the table causing cracks to appear on the table.

The other figure didn't do anything but looked at the angry figure, "calm down I understand how you feel but we can't afford to get emotional and mess up are plans" the figure said, the angry figure took a deep breath and sat down "I know it's just pisses me off that the grandson of Lucifer is such a coward" the figure said.

"I know but soon we won't have to worry about him for long all we have to do is follow the plan and he would be under our control" the figure said, the other figure cracked a evil grin hearing his partner words, "hehehe and if we can't control him we can just kill him and take his position, then we can finally start another war and show everyone that then devils are the strongest race in the world".

The two figures started laughing hysterically, they already were thinking what they would have Angel do for them or better for them what his fast would look like when he breathes his last breath. The two figures stopped laughing as they stood up "let's get going we have a plan to execute" one of the figures said as they both summoned a magic circle and disappeared from the dark room.

Yasaka's room

Yasaka and Kunou were enjoying some tea together as they ate some snacks and talked. Since Angel came to her territory she had to deal with the elders in her faction but luckily they didn't oppose having an alliance with him as they have heard about his strength and also add in the fact that the devil race has been rising in power since he got released from his seal.

The only problem she had with the elders is that they were trying to have her marry him to strengthen the alliance and hopefully they would be top priority if something bad were to happen. Yasaka doesn't know how she feels about Angel, she does think he is handsome and knows that he is strong enough to protect her and her daughter.

But she doesn't know how Kunou would react if she married him, plus she is not even sure that she likes him for more than his looks and power. "Mommy, when do you think big brother will come visit us again? I want to play with him" Kunou said. Angel has left a good impression on Kunou.

Kunou likes Angel as he is the first person she can be herself around him and doesn't have to act like a princess as she has to act around other people since she is the daughter of the leader of the Youkai's. Yasaka, hearing Kunou's question, snaps out of her thoughts and looks at Kunou with a smile.

"I'm not sure when he will come, you have to remember he is the leader of the devils I'm sure he is super busy" Yasaka said, Kunou pouted a little bit didn't say anything as she knew how busy it is to be a leader since her mothers is also a leader. But little did Yasaka know how wrong she was.

Even though Angel is the leader of the devils he still does nothing as he leaves it with other people who are more capable than he is. Yasaka continued sipping her tea until someone knocked on the door, "come in" Yasaka said, after hearing Yasaka's response the door slid open.

When the door opened an old youkai was standing there looking into the room, "Miss Yasaka we are still awaiting your response about the marriage between you and that devil, we would appreciate it if you can hurry up and get it over with. You know just how weak we are, what would happen if another faction comes and attacks us" the old youkai said.

Kunou looks at the old man with a confused expression, she then turns to Yasaka asking for an explanation since she hasn't heard anything about her mother marrying a devil, she doesn't even know when her mother met another devil besides Angel.

"I would kindly appreciate it if you guys don't rush me with this matter and please can you not speak about this subject while my daughter is present" Yasaka said as she stood up and looked at the old man. Even though her words sounded like she was speaking kindly she really wasn't as if you listen closely you can hear the annoyance and anger in her voice.

The old man noticed that he made her angry with speaking of the marriage subject informant for her daughter and for rushing her with the matter but he didn't really care, all he cared about was getting reassurance that they would have protection from any enemies.

The same could be said with the other elders as they don't care if they have to make Yasaka or even Kunou get married to someone that they don't know anything about as long as that person was strong and could protect them they didn't care. They aren't the best elders but no one can say anything about it as they have held power in the youkai faction for a very long time.

"Mom what is he talking about, who are you footing marry" Kunou said still with the confused expression on her face. Yasaka looks at Kunou but she didn't say anything for a while, she doesn't know what to say to her about this subject, she was hoping that she wouldn't find out about it until she made up her decision.

"You don't have to worry about it, mommy won't be marrying anyone okay" Yasaka said with a kid smile and started to pat Kunou's head. The old man hearing what Yasaka said was not happy and was going to say something but Yasaka already anticipated that he would say something and released some of her aura and pressured him with it.

"Tsk just hurry up and do what you have to do, you know that we need this if not we are all doom don't let your selfishness put our people in danger" the old youkai said as he left the room with an angry expression on his face. Yasaka ignored the hypocritical old youkai and continued to spend some time with her daughter.

But that didn't last long as Yasaka felt that someone was watching them, feeling the presence of someone Yasaka stood up and got in front of Kunou. Yasaka looked around the room trying to find the location of the presence she felt but she couldn't see whoever it was, she could still feel the presence but something was blocking her from locating the presence.

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