
Chapter 22

"You don't have to worry about that I'll just turn you two into half devils, I would also increase your strength a bit but if you two do well I'll increase your power even more" I said, they both looked at each other and whispered "Kalawarna what do you thing" Mittlet said, "I'm not sure but I think we should take this chance, he is the leader of the devils so he doesn't have to lie to us he could just kill is now if he wanted" Kalawarna said.

"We also don't have a choice we will die if we don't do something and he is offering us a chance at another life and strength" Kalawarna said, Mittlet nodded, after they were done whispering to each other they looked back at me and bowed, "we will take this opportunity you have given us Master." They both said,

Hearing this I couldn't help but smile, I always thought these two fallens were extremely cute, it was just too bad that they died really early, plus their personalities seem to change. "That's great, now let's go to my castle I'll introduce you to my other maids and have them show you the ropes, don't disappoint me" I said as I was about to teleport us to my castle but then remembered that I was going to turn them into half devils.

"Hold up I forgot to turn you two into half devils, let's do that first come here" I said as they both came close to me, I was about to use transmutation but had a great idea 'instead of just putting my hands on their head I should kiss them instead' I thought, so I did just that when they got close to me, I grabbed Mittlet' chin and face her a kiss, the kiss surprised her and Kalawarna but soon they were surprised when Mittlet wings spread open, instead of her usual one pair of black wings, she now had 5 pairs, with the right side being black feather wings and the left side being devil wings.

I stopped kissing Mittlet and then went on and kissed Kalawarna, the same thing happened to her. I stopped kissing Kalawarna and looked at them both, they were bright red "now you both are half devils half angels and you both are stronger than before how does it feel" I said, "it feels amazing but did you have to kiss us" Mittlet said. "No I didn't have to I just couldn't resist the temptation of kissing two beautiful women. Did you hate it, if so I am sorry I won't do it again" I said, causing them both to blush more.

"No it's okay....I didn't hate it" Mittlet said, she did say the last part very quietly but I was still able to hear it, 'at least she didn't hate it maybe I can go further with them later on' I thought, "okay let's go to my castle now and get you two a shower something to eat and trained for your new job" I said as I teleported us to my castle, we arrived in my throne room, I looked for the maid that was always in here.

I found her by the door "hey you, can you be a dear and get these two to a shower and give them food, a maid uniform and have Katerea to train them to be a maid, they would be joining Katerea so tell her it's her responsibility to keep them in check" I said, "right away Master, you two come follow me." The maid said as she left the throne room and Mittlet and Kalawarna followed her.

I was left all alone in the throne room, so I sat on my throne. After relaxing for a few minutes the maid that I was previously here before I gave her an order came back and went back to her old position, "hey do you know where Misla Bael is, I heard she was in a coma" I asked the maid, the maid walked towards me "she is in the outskirts of the Bael territory, I believe only Sairaorg Bael knows the location." The maid said.

"Oh then could you summon Sairaorg here" I said, "right away Master" the maid said as she bowed and left the room. I decided to heal Misla, get her to leave the head of the Bael clan and become my woman as she is too beautiful to be left with that ass, and I could gain a young strong devil as an ally, plus Sairaorg was one of my favorite characters in dxd so why not help him out.

It took about three hours until the maid came back with Sairaorg and his queen Kuisha Abaddon. He was a handsome, tall muscular man with black hair and violet eyes. His queen was a beautiful woman with blonde hair tied in a ponytail and blue eyes.they looked a little nervous, 'well it makes sense I am the leader of the devils so he should be worried about why I summoned him. But why did his queen come too?' I thought as they both kneeled in front of me, "I have come as requested, Lord Gremory von Lucifer, may I ask why you have summoned me?" Sairaorg said.

"Why did you bring your queen? I'm pretty sure I only summoned you?" I asked, Kuisha and Sairaorg tensed up, "I'm sorry my Lord I had brought my queen as she was with me when you summoned me I didn't mean any disrespect" Sairorg said. 'I don't think he can act like this in dxd, but then again I don't think he met anyone of my caliber' I thought. "Don't worry about it, I was just wondering anyways let's get to the main subject, can you tell me where your mother is." I asked.

When I asked if I could know where his mother is I could feel Sairaorg aura change, he was now a suspicious and angry "why would you want to know where my mother is" Sairaorg said, "I heard she was in a coma, and I heard that she was being mistreated by the Bael clan since you wasn't born with Power of Destruction so I want to heal her" I said as the aura of Sairaorg calmed down.

"Can you really heal her" Sairaorg said with hope all over his face, "yes I can I just need you to tell me her location" I said as I got up from my throne, Sairorg also gotten up, "also when your mother wakes up I'm going to take care of your father, after I take care of him you will be the new head of the Bael clan." I said, Sairaorg was confused for a few seconds until he realized what I meant by taking care of his father, but even then he didn't say anything.

"Come on teleport us there already" I said as Sairaorg was just standing there, after saying that he summoned a teleportation circle and he teleported us outside a nice small home. "This is where my mother is, she is inside. Can you really heal her? She has been like that since I was a little kid." Sairaorg said.

I just nodded and went inside the house and headed to where Misla was sleeping in. I went into the room and I saw some flowers near the bed where Misla was sleepinng, I walk towards her and put my hands on her head and start to pour some of my aura into her to find her consciousness, it didn't take that long as I was able to find her consciousness after a few seconds.

Pulling it out of its little shell Misla woke up, she looked around the room until her eyes landed on the crying Sairaorg, "you have grown into a strong man like I always thought" Misla said, Sairaorg gave Misla a tight hug and sobbed on her shoulders "I did mom, i did it for you" Sairaorg said, I felt I it bit awkward just standing here it also doesn't help that I'm not good in moments like this, so I teleported myself out of the room and went to the office of the Bael clan.

I wanted to deal with the head of the Bael clan before Misla meets him again, and to also give Misla and Sairaorg some time with his mother. I arrived at the office of the head of the Bael clan and I could see him sitting at his desk doing some paperwork or something. When I arrived he immediately got up and came up to me to kiss my ass "my Lord what do I owe this pleasure of your visit" He said, I didn't say anything as I just looked at this piece of shit.

I mean who the hell does he think he is, how can he mistreat a beautiful milf like Misla? She should be protected, cared for and lived but this asshole treated her like shit just because she gave birth to Sairaorg who didn't inherit the Power of Destruction trait. I mean he even married another woman while she was in a coma, he didn't even try to help her. 'There a chance Misla won't like it if I killed him and that may make it hard to win her heart but fuck it, I can't leave a man who mistreats milfs to live' I thought as I grabbed him by the throat.

"You know I hate people like you, you only care about having your kids having your clan trait that you would even ignore a such a strong child just because he wasn't born with the Power of Destruction trait" I said as tighten my grip causing him to start turning purple "oh but that's not just the end of it no that's only a small part of why I'm angry, the main reason is because you mistreated a beautiful woman for a bullshit reason, I mean how can someone mistreat a milf it absolutely bewilders me" I said, I then throw him towards his desk, the desk break when he landed on it.

I created some black chains and wrapped them around him and hanged him up, I positioned him like the way Jesus was crucified, he started screaming and what not but I didn't pay attention I was to busy thinking what torture would be appropriate for him. While I was thinking I created some dark light needles to warm him up. 'What should I use to torture him, damn it's hard to think with his constant screams. Oh I should use some holy magic' I thought as I changed the black chains that wrapped around the head of the Bael clan and turned them into holy chains, I then created some holy knives and got to work.

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