
Chapter 16

When I opened the door I could see three people sitting down around a meeting table, there was Azazel, Shemhazai, and Baraqiel. Shemhazai has short silver-white hair and purple eyes. He is also handsome looking, Baraqiel has short black hair, and a black beard. I looked at them but I didn't say a word. I just ended it and sat in one of the empty seats at the table.

"Hello Angel what brings you here" Azazel said realizing that I wasn't going to say anything first, "oh nothing much just thought you would like to know that Kokabiel and 200 fallens attacked me and I disintegrated him into nothing and killed the 200 fallens that attacked me." I said as I leaned back on the office chair and put my feet on the table.

"So Kokabiel finally betrayed us, but to think he'll be stupid enough to attack Angel" Shemhazai said while shaking his head in disappointment. "Yeah it was only a matter of time before it happened," Azazel said. "Well you guys don't have to worry about me asking for compensation or anything. It was all his fault he just wanted to start another war and I know you don't so we're good I just wanted to let you know." I said.

"That's good to hear Angel, I'm glad you're not holding it against us." Azazel said, to which both Shemhazai and Baraqiel nodded. I looked at Baraqiel and decided to try and get the relationship between Baraqiel and Akeno fixed. "Hey Baraqiel, do you know your daughter hates you, how come you're not trying to do anything about it." I said, Baraqiel flinched hearing my words "how do you know I have a daughter and that she hates me?" Baraqiel said, "I know because Akeno is my woman and I had to find that out for myself." I said.

Baraqiel stood up slamming his hands on the table when he heard me say that Akeno is my woman, "calm down Baraqiel I'm going to take good care of your daughter, I know your overprotective and all but calm yourself, you need to focus on how to fix your relationship with her, she has potential to be strong but refuses do use your holy lighting due to her hate for you and that stunting her growth." I said as Baraqiel sat back down "I'm sorry Angel, you're right I should fix my relationship with her but I don't know what to say to her." Baraqiel said

"Just sit down and talk to her, you just can't ignore her, that's not gonna help at all." I said, I then got up "well I said all I wanted to say, see you later bye" I said as I teleported out of the building and to my room in my castle, there was no one in my room so I can guess that they already woke up and are doing whatever they got to do, I then went and lay down on my couch.

Soon after laying down I fell asleep. I slept for a few hours until Venelana knocked on my door "big brother my grandfather is here and he would like to see you." Venelana said 'that old guy who is he again, if it's Venelana grandfather it has to be Zekram, he also is the de-facto leader of the devils' I thought as I got up and opens the door, I see Venelana standing there looking as beautiful as ever.

"Okay is he in the meeting room, can you lead me there it's always nice to have company of a beautiful woman" I said with a charming smile which Venelana made Venelana smiled, "sure thing big brother follow me" Venelana said as she turned around and started walking to the meeting room.

When we got to the meeting room Venelana was going to knock on the door but I stopped her and walked in. I like how respectful Venelana is but she doesn't have to knock when it's my castle. I got into the room and I can see Zekram sitting drinking tea, he looks at me then puts down his tea and stands up and bows.

"It's great to see you Lord Gremory von Lucifer, I'm glad you have escaped from that seal." Zekram said. "It's good to see your still alive as well" I said while taking a seat on my throne, "why have you come here Zekram" I asked, Zekram sat back down "I came to see how your doing since you got out of the seal, and to see what you plan to do as the new leader of the devils, whatever you decide I will follow as you are the grandson of the original, you are incredibly strong, just by the aura you gave off when you got out of the seal I'll say you are the strongest devil ever and at least in the top 3 strongest begins in the world" Zekram said with deep respect. 'If I remember correctly in the high school dxd wiki it said Zekram deeply respects the original four satans and that also extends to me as the descendant of the original Lucifer.' I thought

"I'm doing well, for what I plan to do as the leader I want to have a peace treaty with the angels and fallen since other religious factions are going to attack us someday I don't want to worry about them." I said, "I like that plan as well, we should be focusing on making ourselves stronger and have us prosper." Zekram said. "Since I have you here Zekram I heard you are the de-facto leader of the devils, you can get rid of that title as I am now back, also thank you for your hard work." I said. I didn't want Zekram to be the de-facto leader since I don't want him to pull some strings and influence the devils who respect him to try and overthrow me as that would cause unnecessary death if the devils.

But I don't think I have to worry about that since Zekram respects me, my bloodline, and my strengths but it's always better to be safe than sorry. Zekram didn't show any reaction to my words which could be because he doesn't care about being the de-facto leader or he's just using his politician's face to keep his emotions from showing. "I understand My Lord. I don't deserve your thanks I was only doing what's best for the devils and my household" Zekram said

I just nodded as a response, and we just looked at each other for a while until I looked at Venelana "Vene can you get a maid to bring me some snacks? I'm kinda hungry" I asked Venelana. "Yes I'll do it right away big brother" Venelana said and left the room, Zekram looked at me with a weird expression on his face.

"What do you think about marrying my granddaughter, she seems to hold a lot of respect for you." Zekram said. ' *sigh* Is he really trying to get me to marry Vene so the Bael clan can have more influence' I thought. "Did you forget that she is my brother's wife, I'm not going to do that to him so you should forget the whole subject." I said adding a bit of my aura so he can stop talking about the subject. After saying that Venelana walked into the room with a maid that had a tray of cookies.

"Yay cookies, thank you so much" I said as I grabbed a handful and started to much on them, no one said anything as I was eating on my cookies. After I finished eating my cookies I looked at Zekram "oh your still here do you have anything else to say" I asked as I forgot about Zekram begin here as I was to focused on my cookies.

"No my Lord I will be going now, take care of yourself" Zekram said as he summoned a teleportation circle and left. I looked at Venelana and released a sigh of relief after Zekram left. "What is wrong Vene" I said , Venelana looked at me "it's nothing, it's just grandfather never came by unless it was about something that can raise the name of the Bael clan, I'm glad that he didn't do it this time and just wanted to see you again." Venelana said.

'Yeah I probably shouldn't tell her about him asking me to marry her' I thought, "I guess that's just how he is, anyways how have you been Vene you been doing good" I asked her, she smiled 'that's such a beautiful smile' I thought "I've been fine nothing to complain really, I've just been helping Sirzech with the peace treaty" she said

"That's good to hear, keep up the good work but don't overwork yourself" I said as I got up from my throne and left, I started heading towards my room thinking a bit 'I should bring Katerea and Ingvild to my side, so they don't join Zekram side so he doesn't gain too much influence by having descendants of the four satans on his side, just to make sure he don't try to overthrow me or something.

'I'll have to get Katerea before she joins the Khaos Brigade, and for Ingvild she is most likely still under the devil sleeping disease so I have to go to the Leviathan clan and save her' I thought as I finally reached my room, I opened the door, took of my clothes and layed down on the bed.

'I'm just gonna do that tomorrow, I don't have to do everything now.' I thought. I also started to think about what magic I should create since I have the ability to create new magic. I kept debating what I should add, thankfully with photographic memory I can remember all the cool powers I saw in anime and manga. After a few minutes of thinking I was able to fall asleep.

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