
Chapter 14

Angel's POV

What a pitiful flame there's no way that thing is going to even leave a scratch. I then put up a firewall blocking the incoming fire which caused an explosion, after the explosion died down my firewall was the only thing left so I turned the firewall into arrows and launched them towards Riser, Riser was able to dodge some of them but still got hit by some of the arrows. He started to heal immediately thanks to his Immortality that gave him great regeneration abilities.

But even with that I know that it is dependent on his Demonic energy, so he can't be using it forever like I can. Riser got up after finishing healing and started to throw more fire spells at me one after the other, each stronger than the last, I dodged some and others I absorbed, shocking Riser. "How can you absorb my fire?" Riser yelled as he threw more fire spells at me.

I just kept absorbing them which made Riser more and more angry, Riser stopped throwing fire spells at me and spread his wings and took flight, I didn't wait for him to start attacking me again so I spread 2 pairs of my wings, when I spread my wings the people watching the fight started whispering about my now one and a kind wings, I ignored it though I want to focus on destroying Riser.

I flapped my wings and then flew straight to Riser, Riser couldn't see me coming as I was going insanely fast, when I reached him I gave him a knee in the gut sending him flying 20 feet away I didn't let up though, as he was flying I already behind him and gave him a roundhouse kick to the back of the head, sending him into the other direction.

Riser kept flying until I appeared in front of him and grabbed him by the neck, I looked dead at his eyes, then I grinned as I set him on fire and threw him to the ground. "AHHHHHH STOP, STOP THE FIRE IT HURTS." Riser screamed as he was begin burned alive but it was much worse since his regeneration kept him from dying and prolonged his torture. It took several minutes of Riser's horrible screams of agony for him to shut up.

His demonic energy ran out so he couldn't keep regenerating so he finally died, but I wasn't going to let him die no matter what. He is still an important asset to the devils so I resurrected him using <Ingal>. Riser came to life again, Riser and everyone else was completely shocked. The people watching were shocked that I could resurrect someone and Riser was shocked that he had died and was alive again.

"How I'm alive again, I could've sworn I died." Riser said, completely bewildered at how he is still alive. "You're still alive because I resurrected you. I can't have you dying as you're an important asset to our race." I said as I casted lighting on my hands, I then made the lighting more intense and larger, the lighting started to take the form of a huge dragon made of lighting.

Riser looked at it with fear all over his face, his face brought a huge smile to my face, I then had the lighting dragon fire lighting at Riser killing him again, then I used <Ingal> again, I then repeated this 4 more times before I decided he had enough. "Do you give up Riser or do you want to continue." I said as I stood over Riser who looked up at me like i was his worst nightmare.

"No, no I give up I was wrong okay forgive me my lord, I will change my way, I'll stop being arrogant. Just please stop" Riser begged me as he started to shiver. I love his reaction. I really have a knack for teaching. I looked at the shocked and scared faces of the audience, but I ignored them and flew straight to the box seats where Rias, her peerage, Kuroka, and Sirzech were watching the one-sided fight.

"So what did you think of the fight." I said with a grin. They all just looked at me without saying a word. What is up with everyone staring at me and not saying anything it's weird, "umm you guys gonna say something or just going to stare at me like idiots" I said, "uncle that fight was amazing, thank you for doing this for me, you didn't have to" Rias said excitedly, she was also blushing.

"I don't need thanks, for my women I'll do anything to make sure they're happy." I said which caused all the females in the room besides Kuroka to blush. Kuroka noticed this but when she saw her little sister blush as well I could see she got a little angry. "Ara Ara Angel you see Rias as your woman even though she is your little brother's daughter." Akeno said with a teasing tone.

"Yea Rias is beautiful, kind, smart, and pretty strong for her class. It doesn't matter to me if she is my niece. But you don't have to worry Akeno if you allow me to, you can be my woman too" I said "Ara it's okay with me I'll love to be your women" Akeno said which caused the other girls to complain about Akeno getting the jump on them. "I want to be your woman too" Rias and Asia said at the same time, Koneko didn't say anything, she stayed quiet with her head down trying to hide her blushing face but she couldn't escape from my eyes.

"I accept all of your feelings. Koneko-Chan you don't have to be shy, you can tell me your honest feelings, I want to know how you feel about me." I said as I walked up to Koneko and put my hand on her chin and lifted her head so we could look into each other's eyes.

"Koneko you don't have to hide your feelings, let your heart speak, tell me what your heart is saying." I said as I kept looking into her eyes. I can see Koneko start to crack a bit and her stoic face breakdowns. She starts to cry, "I want to be with big sister again, and I want to be with you." Koneko cried out, she kept sobbing. I look at Kuroka and motion with my head for her to come to her sister.

Kuroka comes towards us and I back away while Kuroka brings Koneko into a tight hug. "There, there I won't leave you again, we can be together again and I can teach you how to use Senjutsu and Youjustu, we'll be spending so much time together to make up for the time we haven't been together.'' Kuroka said as she patted Koneko's head, calming her down.

"Koneko you can be by my side as well, but now let's go back I'm getting bored of this place" I said as I brought everyone back to the ballroom hall. I walked to Riser who was being helped up by his peerage, when he noticed me he stiffened up, most likely scared that I was going to keep tortur- I mean teaching him manners. "Riser, I hope you don't forget our bet, I hope to see a good change in your personality. Ravel I suggest you go and tell your mother about you becoming my strategist and tell her that if she needs anything to let me know and I'll help her with it since I'll be taking her daughter." I said as I walked back to where Rias, her peerage, Kuroka, and Sirzech were.

"Let's go back to the castle and spend some time together." I said, they all agreed so I teleported us out of the ballroom and we were now all in the living room in the castle. I took a seat on one of the couches, Rias sat to my right, Akeno took my left, the others all sat in the other open couches. "I want you guys to go and train as soon as possible, Rias you and your peerage are weak and you can't stay like that for long, this world is not a safe place you need strength to survive." I said

They all looked at me and then each other. "We realized that when we couldn't beat Riser in the rating game, we all want to get stronger for ourselves and each other. Angel, can you please train us." Rias said. It's good that she realized it. "I can train you guys once in a while since I'm not a good teacher and I can only give you guys training regiments, but I can arrange some other individuals to help train you guys in what you do best and they can fix your weaknesses." I said, I don't want to waste my time teaching others so I'm gonna leave it to others to do that and since I am the leader of devils it won't be hard to arrange it.

"Thank you so much we won't disappoint you" Rias said with a bright smile on her face. I want them to get stronger so I don't have to be there every single time, don't get me wrong I will protect my women no matter what but I also want them to be independent and take care of themselves, also I don't want to follow the canon I already messed it up but I really don't care I just want to do what I want there is so much in this world that the Light Novels and Anime never covered that I want to find, there could also be some strong enemies I can fight, and even more beautiful women.

Enough about that, I'm just gonna enjoy some time with them and hopefully get to do some lewd things with them. Kuroka probably won't join for now but she can't ignore my charm for long. "Sirzech I want you to find suitable teachers for them all, and teach them some things if you can. Kuroka you can teach Koneko but I also want you to train." I told Sirzech and Kuroka.

"Understood uncle I will go immediately and get it arranged." Sirzech said "thank you Master for allowing me to train my sister and for letting me get stronger as well" Kuroka said. Sirzech left the room to get what I asked to be done finished. I just spent some time with Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Kuroka, I also talked a bit with Kiba, but with Issei I just ignored him as I knew if I talked to him he would just piss me off.

It soon started to get dark outside so I decided it was time to go to bed and do some lewd things with the new additions to my harem. "Well it's starting to get dark outside Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko. Would you like to sleep with me in my room? Grayfia would be there but she won't mind since my bed is huge. Kuroka you can join as well if you like too." I said as I got up from the couch and went to the door.

Rias, Akeno, Asia, and Koneko just nodded and got up, now standing behind me. Kuroka, Kiba, and Issei are the only ones still sitting down, "you gonna come to Kuroka, you can if you want but just be warned some lewd things may happen." I said, Rias, Akeno, Asia, And Koneko blushed but didn't say they didn't want to, "I'm okay I for now I don't have any rights to sleep in the same bed as you since I'm not your woman, I would like to sleep with Shirone but since she wants to be with you I'll let her be." Kuroka said

"Okay but just to let you know you can join me if you want. I wouldn't mind having you as my woman as well, but it's your choice to see you tomorrow." I said as we left the room, and headed to my room. When we got there Grayfia was already there laying down naked. "Looks like I'm finally going to have some help." Grayfia said. After she said that I enjoyed the taste of Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, and Grayfia.

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