
Chapter 12

3rd POV

Angel has just left the room leaving Zeoticus, Sirzech, Michael, Gabriel, Azazel, and Valina in the meeting room, "Angel is still as interesting as before. Hey Zeoticus, are you still taking care of the political side of things for Angel?" Azazel was the first to speak after Angel left. "No I only help once a while, Sirzech takes care of it mostly." Zeoticus answered.

"I like Angel. He is very different from normal devils whether it's power or personality, he is also very handsome." Gabriel said while blushing a bit, Angel had left a really good impression on her. Michael looked at Gabriel. He already knows that Gabriel has begun to fall for him, 'it's only a matter of time' he thought.

"Well I think we should go through with the peace treaty nii-san wants in place. I also agree with what he said and it's about time we stop talking about doing it and just go through it." Zeoticus said wanting to make his big brother proposal a reality. "I also agree we should move ahead with the peace treaty. It will bring more benefits." Michael agreed with the peace treaty.

Valina was sitting there staring off to space not listening to what's going on around her; her mind is filled with nothing but Angel. She can't get over how nice he was and how he got angry at hearing what she went through even though he had just met her today. Angel has unknowingly invaded her heart whether that feeling is as family or as a lover we would find out in the future.

"Okay since we have all agreed to the peace treaty I will go now and get the other cadres to agree." Said Azazel as he got up and tapped Valina's shoulder which brought her out of her thoughts and summoned a teleportation circle and left. Michael was the next to get up and summoned a teleportation circle. "I will go and talk to the angels, thanks for having us over, let's go Gabriel." Michael said before teleporting away with Gabriel.

Now it was just Zeoticus and Sirzech in the room. "Father, I will go now and tell the satans of uncle's peace treaty and the devils." Sirzech said and left the room to inform the others about the peace treaty. Now there was only Zeoticus left. He let out a sigh and then smiled "I knew it, things are getting better ever since big brother got out of the seal.'' Zeoticus said out loud to himself.

Angels POV

Grayfia and I are now cuddling on the couch in my room. After we left the meeting room we went to my room and relaxed a bit before I go and explore the underworld and maybe check out some of the untouched regions. "Garyfia, would you like to come with me to see how the underworld has been?" I asked her. "I'm sorry darling I can't, I have some business to do. Oh while I'm on that subject when you get the chance you should go to the ballroom hall, there is something you might want to take care of." Grayfia said as she got up from the couch, stopping our cuddling session.

"Oh okay take care of what you got to do and I will visit the ballroom afterwards since it seems like it is very important, important enough for you not to tell me." I said as I also got up. "I'm sorry darling if I tell you know you would do something stupid I know it. Be safe darling bye" Grayfia said as she gave me a kiss and left the room.

'Okay well I should get going then staying in this castle forever won't be any fun.' I thought. I went to the porch and spread my wings. I only brought out 2 pairs since I just want to fly towards the capital jumping and flying up to the sky. I took a look around as I was flying and took in this wonderful site and the amazing feeling of flying that I can never get tired of.

Looking around I can see the Gremory Territory, lakes, city's, and villages. It took me 10 minutes to get to the capital since I wasn't in a rush and wanted to look around before going to the capital. I landed in an alleyway and put away my wings. Leaving the alleyway I can see food stands, malls, and other shops with men, women, and children walking around having a fun time.

The city is so lively and beautiful. I love it, it's better than the old capital Lucifaad here it's so much better in every single way, I walked toward a food stand that was selling some donuts and I bought some, I got a glazed donut and ate it in one bite. I kept waking, taking in the sights. After some time though the other people started to recognize me and that was going to get tiresome with all of them surrounding me so I just went into an alleyway and flew off to find an untouched region and see if there is any monsters I can fight, I haven't been able to fight someone since the Great War so I'm itching for some action.

After a few hours I reached an abandoned town that looked like it hasn't had anyone living in it in decades. Landing, I spread my senses around to see if there is anything I can fight here. After searching for a few minutes I couldn't sense anything even when I was walking around the ghost town and searching for anything. I was about to give up until suddenly my senses picked up something.

I jumped backwards as I felt that it was under me, as soon as I jumped a huge armadillo mole rat looking thing came out of the ground, it was huge it was the size of two buses it had a hard black shell and red eyes, it was one ugly abomination. It was staring dead at me getting into a battle stance, seeing this I got excited I could feel my blood boil in excitement, this ugly thing may not be able to make me go all out but I bet it's defense is really good. 'I'm gonna hold back so I can enjoy this as long as I can.' I thought.

I didn't want to wait anymore so I dashed toward it and jumped up, the thing looked up but when he did I slammed my foot down right between its eyes the kick created a crater under the rat thing, the rat thing let out a ugly ass scream that shook the ground, I hopped off and put some distance between us, it stared at me with hatred in its eyes now it then opened its mouth and I could sense he was gathering mana into his mouth, I of course was going to take it head on and see how strong his attack was.

It took a couple of seconds for it to complete its attack, it's attack was pretty big in his mouth as a huge ball of acid, it then threw at me and I stood there looking at the ball of acid heading towards me. It hit me and I felt a tingling sensation all over my body, the rat thing screamed a victory screech thinking that it killed me.

The smell it gave off was horrible so I washed myself off with magic, after cleaning myself off I looked at the rat thing and casted 4 fire arrows the rat thing looked surprised that I was still alive, but soon that look become one of fear as if it sensed the danger he was in, I sent the arrows towards the rat thing legs and pinned them down to the ground.

The rat thing screeched again as it struggled to get free, I slowly walked towards the rat thing as it kept screaming in pain and fear. I wonder what I should do, should I bash it's head in, rip it's legs and tail. A lot of options, you know what I'll test out how hard it's shell is. I've decided I'm gonna smash it's shell I jump on top of the shell and give it a punch, I put the same amount of strength into the punch as I did with the kick

The punch didn't do much but create small cracks on the shell, so I punched it again and again adding a little bit of strength after every punch, after 5 punches the shell shattered leaving behind the soft red tissue of the rat thing, I put my hands on the red tissue, I think I'll use my dark light to kill this thing.

I then created countless spikes inside the thing's body, the spikes stuck out of its body and the rat thing died instantly. I jumped off it and then burned the corpse out of respect for begin my first prey since I got out of the seal. Well then I should talk to the person who has been watching me this whole time. I then teleported behind the person who had been watching me.

The stalker clearly doesn't know I'm behind them since they are looking around for me. I tapped the person's shoulder "hello there did you find the fight interesting." I said as the stalker tensed up from my touch and jumped away and got into a fighting stance. "Whoa calm down I'm bout gonna hurt you, well it depends on the reason why you were stalking me." I said trying to calm the stalker down to talk before we get to fighting.

The stalker calmed down a bit but kept the fighting stance. "I was staying in this place until you showed up so I watched you from afar." The stalker said. "Oh that makes sense, but why are you hiding here." I asked since I wouldn't stay here for anything but fighting and exploring. "It none of your business" the stalker said

"I guess it's not but I'm pretty sure there is a stray devil that's been on the loose since killing her master, they said she is a nekoshou and I can sense that you are a half devil, half nekoshou." I said, as I appeared in front of the stalker, I then waved my hand canceling out the stalker's illusion revealing who the stalker is.

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