
Chapter 4

"Uhhhhh I really don't want to meet that guy"I said as I was now in front of the original Lucifer castle in the city of Lucifaad. While I was complaining a silver haired man with a fearless face came up to me and said " Hello Angel Lucifer-Gremory, my name is Kyō Lucifuge, and Lord Lucifer has been awaiting you so if you will follow me I'll take you to him.'' Lord Lucifuge, Grayfia Lucifuge father and the right hand man of the original Lucifer i thought as I said "lead the way Kyō Lucifuge ''

I started to follow Kyō to where Lucifer was waiting. After about 5 minutes of waking we arrived at the throne room where Lucifer was sitting with a neutral expression, Lucifer looked like a middle-aged man with short white hair and a stubble. "Lord Lucifer here is Lord Angel Lucifer-Gremory" Kyō said when we arrived and bowed and I decided to do the same since I am weaker than him right now and he will soon be dead so I just have to put up with it for now.

"Lord Lucifer as you already know I am Angel Gremory von Lucifer and I came here immediately after I left seclusion to answer your summons." I said as I was still bowing

"Pinnacle of the Ultimate-Class not bad since I heard you were in the middle of High-Class when you went into seclusion" Lucifer said as he was scanning me to see how strong I was. "Here take this, it should bring you to the low Satan-Class" Lucifer said as he threw a red orb at me, when I caught it I immediately could feel the immense amount of devil energy from inside it.

"What is this?" I asked since I never heard of something like this in Dxd. "That is devil energy that was absorbed from the underworld over a long period of time. You just have to absorb it so you can increase your devil energy." Lucifer explained it. After he Lucifer explained it to me I started to worry that if I absorb it he will be in control of me but before I started to worry more Somali voice came into my head (Master you don't have to worry I have scanned the orb and it is as he said, it doesn't have anything to control it will only benefit you) Somali said

Oh good then I'll just absorb it later. "Come and take a seat right next to me," Lucifer said as he gestured me to take a seat right next to him. I went up and took the seat as he asked me to show him my Lucifer clan trait dark light and I did, I guess he just wanted to confirm that I had it.

After I showed him my dark light he gave me an old and ominous looking black book with the title The Book of Lucifer. Lucifer told me it will help me with my dark light so I accepted it of course before I did I had Somali check for anything that can harm me because the original Lucifer is a crazy bastard.

A few minutes of talking with Lucifer he suddenly calls to person to come in and when he does a beautiful woman with long silver hair that reaches her back she has long braid on each side with small blue bows on the ends,while the rest of her her is let down that ends in twin braids, she has red eyes and a serious expression on her face

She is wearing a blue dress with silver flowers all over the dress. "Grayfia Lucifuge you are going to be paired with Angel and serve him understand '' Lucifer said in a commanding voice. Grayfia just bows and says "I understand" "good now let's test your compatibility together" Lucifer said as he told me and Grayfia to cut out hands and we did as we did Lucifer did some spell and my blood and Grayfia blood combined together and glowed a bright red before it the light died out.

" wonderful perfect compatibility. Grayfia, come today onwards you will be together with Angel forever and serve him well" Lucifer said while Grayfia bowed and said she understood and will do her best to serve me. After the compatibility test Lucifer told me he will announce me being a part of the Lucifer clan and my engagement to Grayfia and then he dismissed both me and Grayfia.

As we were leaving the throne room we ran into Kyō waiting for us. " Grayfia, how did the compatibility test go?" Kyō asked Grayfia with a bit of worry, he probably just worried it didn't go well and Grayfia wouldn't be able to serve Lucifer. " The result was perfect and now I will be serving Lord Gremory von Lucifer" Grayfia said with a serious tone of voice, she's all business huh just like in the canon.

"Oh that's great news, well I'll leave you two be hope you live happily together" Kyō said with a smile before walking away leaving us behind. " shall we get going Grayfia or do you have things to get before we head to the Gremory estate" I asked Grayfia with a smile

"No we can head to the estate now Lord Gremory von Lucifer" Grayfia said in a serious tone making my smile twitch a bit as I thought wow just like the canon.

"Grayfia, you don't have to be so formal with me you're now my fiancée and soon to be wife, your not my servant but my partner. So just call me Angel." I said seriously as I did not want Grayfia to think I think of her as just a servant and not treat her well.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I can do that. But I can do that when we're alone" Grayfia said with a small smile. "Okay I'm fine with that for now. Let's go to the Gremory estate. I'm kinda tired. I said as Grayfia just nodded and we teleported with the magic circle I used to get here. So we left and now we are headed towards my home, the Gremory castle.

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