
Chapter 1

Who would have thought I'll die in the best way possible. You will read manga, light novels, and FanFiction of protagonists dying in painful ways and what not, but not me I had the luxury to die in the least painful way. In my sleep.

But of course I wasn't supposed to if I was I wouldn't be having this inner monologue right now so the only reason why I can still think has to be because I'm gonna reincarnate.

But let's take a step back and go into my life a bit. I was a 17 year old boy who had a small amount of friends which I liked because those few I can trust, I loved anime,manga, light novels and then later in fanfiction. But that not all about me I like to think of myself as an open minded person

I was open to almost everything religion, music, philosophy you name it. I was pretty reserved and a bit anti-social because to be honest I don't like the human race. We were the most greediest, manipulative, evilest and hypocritical race. We are even worse than the demons in mythology.

But anyway I didn't have any family. I was an orphan. It was something about them being too young to take care of a kid or something but whatever. So yeah that a little about my past life I would continue but this bright ass light is starting to piss me off.

When the light died down I was in a white room with an old man in front of me. He had long white hair that went down to his knees and a long white beard that went down to his chest. I liked it, it suits him just what I thought god would look like assuming he was god and not some random old man

"Your right I am god" the old man said guess I'm right I thought as he kept talking "I brought you here because I have made an mistake and killed you I was suppose to kill some piece of shit but well you know what actually happened" ahh yes the usual 'I fucked up so I'm gonna reincarnate you as an a apology'

"Yep you're right you're gonna be reincarnated into the world of your choosing and I will grant you three wishes'' the old man said hmmm nice at least I didn't get a asshole of a god that just throw me into a new world with no cheats or anything the like and left me to fend for myself. Wait. wait. Can he read my mind?

"Yes I can." the old man said. Well, guess it doesn't matter but is it just me or is he like super serious and not talkative at all? Whatever, I should get on with my wishes and the world of my choosing.

15 minutes later

"Okay I got it I want to be going to the world of high school dxd and if possible 15 years before the Great War" I said after thinking about what world I wanted to go to. I chose high school dxd for many reasons but mainly because, the Waifus, and the world is pretty strong and I have a feeling that it will get even more stronger and dangerous later on.

" Understood and for the timeline you chose I will allow that" the old man said " alright for my first wish I will like to have have a system that shows my skills and strength and help me with strategies, and training regiment and things to do to get stronger" I said after some time thinking. I chose to get this type of system because I need a training regiment and some help to get stronger and I am confident that I'm ass at strategies. I had to stay away from strategic games for this reason.

"Hmmm that is acceptable since it's not like the systems you usually see in cultivation manhwas " the old man said while his hand was on his chin in a thinking posture, thankful he agreed. Now let's get on with this "for my second wish I want to have an immortal devil physic that grants me incredible physical strength and an enteral youthful appearance and extends my lifespan for whatever race I become" I said as one thing I hated as a human was ageing I longed to not worry of dying from old age and stay young.

" that might be a slight problem but since I wrongfully killed you I will grant you it, now what is you last wish" the old man said with a troubled expression plastered on his face for a moment I thought he would reject it but I guess my luck stat has risen after dying so he granted it.

Okay now if you think that my wishes are op just you wait for my last wish " Okay for my last wish I want the powers and abilities of Anos Voldigaod from Misfit of Demon King Academy" I said as the old man jaw dropped to the floor as he heard my last wish.

The old man just couldn't believe it after all. I'm asking for the power of the strongest demon lord in all of anime and manga, maybe even the top 5 strongest anime characters of all time. "W…w.. you know what never mind your last wish is also granted you just have to wait for a certain amount of time until you get you last wish as the power is so great you'll have to wait a while to get it" said the old man after about 20 minutes of him opening and closing his mouth multiple times and mumbling.

Even though I have to wait for the power I'm not gonna complain after all I just gotten one of the most overpowered anime character powers so I think I can wait I thought as my body had started to fade and the old man had started talking again " Time is up and you will be sent to your new world, oh and before I forget when you get to your new body you will feel an immense amount of pain from all the memories the old body, as it will all be transferred to you" the old man said as he started waving goodbye to me and I then completely disappeared from the white room and my vision went black.

Hey it’s me the author I just want to let you guys know that I am new at this so don’t expect too much, and if anyone of you can draw let me know so I can put it up as the cover just message me and I’ll give you the information of what I want

LordAngel888creators' thoughts
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