
ARCANE Chapter 6



"huff.....huff....huff" I am running as fast as I could even if I know it will catch me in no time. This is a life and death situation. AAAAAAAA my foot are hurting so much. My heart is beating like a race car engine, I feel like it will stop at any moment.

"Whhhhhaaaaa, why is a tiger chasing me??!!" I shouted running as fast as I could.

I looked behind. Shit, is this the start of the real story?? A tiger chasing after me?

You might be wondering what the current situation is right? Well after 3 hours of journey in the bus we reached a thick jungle. The thing is in India the jungles are humid and there won't be that many poisonous animals as there are in BEAR GRILLS show on discovery channel.

But there would be many dangerous animals which are more dangerous for an office worker like me or us.

We all got out of the bus "So everyone you might be wondering why are we in the jungle right?" we all nodded to what the Prof.Vigyan said.

"You all have to awaken you Arcane. So to awaken Arcane you have to feel like you are in danger. I mean to activate your Arcane you have to move all your aura together at one place. For a normal person to gather all his aura he has to have any emotion at peak. In research we proved that only fear can reach its peak other than all the emotions. So you all have to survive in this forest for 2 days." we all were shocked about what the professor said.

"But that"s a bit too much ..." some one wanted to argue.

"You all don't have to worry, if you are really in a situation that you would die we have arranged a special force to help you." a female professor said who was standing beside Vigyan.

"Thank you for explaining Amulya .So every one you have to go in separate ways alone. So all the best every one." Vigyan said clapping his hands.

We all got disappointed about what the professor said. "What you all are worrying to just survive for 2 days in a forest?? Then what must be the Arcaners think to fight for days with monsters and dry protecting people?" Prof.Amulya said with serious look on her face.

Yes what she said is true, I have to at least work hard for now. So hearing everyone agreed to what the professors said and we all separated.

After walking some time in some direction I started to feel hungry so I took some cocolates and started chewing it, that's when I suddenly noticed something was running with tremendous speed towards me.

As the thing came towards I figured out that it was a tiger.

So that's where the story ends.....

"Should I fight the tiger?" I suddenly turned jumper and turned back towards the Tiger. This is the time to prove my strength.

Huh I suddenly saw into the tiger's eyes. So this is how a predator looks at its prey. It's very frightening, it's giving me chills.

I changed my decision and started running again "I should not hurt our national animal or I will be sent to jail!!" Maybe I should climb a tree....


After being chased by the tiger few hours I could finally escape. Maaaan! being chased by a tiger is super freaky.

BOOM. I suddenly heard a loud sound. What the!! there is smoke coming from the direction the sound came from.

Even if it was risky I started running towards the sound. On the way I meet Happi. I think he was going in that direction too.

'Did you hear the sound too?!" I asked him.

"Yes it was too loud to think it is a speaker!!" he shouted.

AAHHH my legs are hurting because of running for too long. It's like they would seperste from me any time.

"GRASP" suddenly the dust starts coming towards us. BOOM...ZZZZZ...SWISSSSHH suddenly there were sounds like hitting something.

"Get away from there!!!!" Suddenly someone shouted at us.

BOOM "AAAKK" something hitted me on my stomach and i fell down. "AOWW that hurts." catching my stomach I slowly stood up. I looked towards Happi to see if he was safe.

"What the hell!!!??" I shouted. Happi my friend has fire on his hands!!! He started making a ball with the fire and trowed towards someone. I think he awakened his ability. But why can't I awaken my ability??

"Are you alright?" a girl came rushing towards me and caught me. I tried to free myself away from her but she took me into the air. She can fly??? So now I am gonna die!!!

"You don't have to worry I am from IAA. We are here to protect you from those Anti Arcaners." she said to me in a calm voice.

After a few moments she slowly dropped me on the ground "You will be safe here." saying that she left me on a cliff.

So Happi got his abilities huh? He is great to get used to his power so fast.

BOOM I heard the sound again. I can see the battle from this distance. So I sat down catching my stomach and wiping my mouth which was bleeding with blood.

So I can see many people in the battle. I don't know how the fight is literally going on but from what I can see is the girl who just rescued me was over powering all the enemies. I don't know what her power was but she was fighting with three of the Anti Arcaners with powers of fire, water and ice at a time.

She was so fast that my eyes can't catch up with her. She can fly in the air and was fast to dodge and attack. My friend Happi was hiding behind a tree and throwing fire balls at the enemies. I am disappointed in myself. I can't even help someone who helped lot of sides and i cannot battle along their side. Just how pathetic is my life?

There were other members fighting along side the girl who rescued me. They were also powerful that even if the enemies outnumber them they are fighting the enemies at ease.

Maaannn!! even if I want to help them I cannot. Why didn't I awaken my ability?? I remember that my ability was electric but why can't I use my powers?

After some time it became calm, it looked like the fight was over and the enemies were caught. I have to go to my team so I stood up slowly and started walking towards the direction the fight took place.

It was hard to catch my stomach and walk. My stomach was still hurting, actually what was that which hit me?

"So one of IAA is hear huh?" I heard a scary voice from the side of me!!

As fast as I heard the voice I jumped back and stood alert. Then an injured person came out from behind a tree. She had cutts on her whole body and was bleeding badly.

Damn so she escaped from the fight?? So now she will kill me??

"I would at least kill one person before going back!!" saying that she charged towards me.

I kicked the ground raising the mud into the air. The second she closed her eyes I started running.

"You can't escape from me!!" she shouted. I turned back to see what she was going to do.

"GRASP!!!" she made a sphere with ice and was going to throw it on me. I jumped behind a tree and took cover.

ZUPPP "!!!???" the ice sphere pierced through the trunk of tree and bade a cut on my shoulder and it started bleeding.

"Do you think I am that weak to not even kill a trainee like you?" saying that she started coming towards me.

Damn it am I really going to die this time?? How many times can a person escape death anyway?

SWISHHH I jumped from the ice spear again and fell down on the ground. I grabbed something on the ground that felt like a branch and throwed it towards her closing my eyes.

BOOM "!!??" what the hell was that?? What did I even throw??

"It's a wind dagger. It is an item that would sense the enemy of the user and fly towards them with the help of wind." suddenly I heard a familiar voice.

"Oh thank you for saving me at that time......" suddenly I feel like all my energy is burnt up and I feel an incredible amount of pain through every part of my body. So this is the end huh? I fell on the ground and slowly closed my eyes and lost conscious.


"What's the matter? Why did you all surround me?" I asked the professors who were surrounding me.

"Oh it's nothing. It's just that you single handedly defeated an Arcaner being new to here. We are here to know how did you defeat her?" Prof.Amulya asked me curiously.

"First of all I didn't defeat her. She lost to be because 1) She was already injured and 2) I throwed a some kind of magical weapon at her. I would have been dead if the girl did not save me!!" I shouted at the professors.

"A girl saved you?" Prof.Vigyan asked me doubtfully.

"Huh you don't know? Where did you find me then?" I asked the professor.

"You were near the camp, you lost your conscious and an Anti Arcaner was injured ad was lying some distance away from you." the professor explained me.

"what ever.... I am still alive and that what's matters to me now." saying that I stood up from the bed I was laying and made my way through the professors.

What the hell happened!! I clearly remember that I lost my conscious in the middle of the jungle and also why can't I use my powers??

Thinking that I unknowingly saw my palm "!!!??" there were electric sparks coming from my hands. What the hell is happening??!!!

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