"You heard that, right officers? Master Zhou Ziming asked my aunt to divorce my uncle and marry him. I believe that he must be the one who tried to harm my uncle out of jealousy." Yu Dong did her best to dig a pit for Zhou Ziming. She said to the Yamen officers, "Because my aunt and uncle left their village, they recently moved to the Zhou Village."
"It has not been long since they started living in that village; how could they offend someone so quickly? Other than the mer who wanted to marry my aunt, I don't see who will try to take the life of my uncle?"
The Yamen officers agreed with what Yu Dong said; indeed, Zhou Ziming was really suspicious, but they couldn't arrest anyone and take them to Yamen without any evidence.
What was more, Zhou Ziming was the son of a village head; it was impossible for them to send him to prison without a proper piece of evidence.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: