
Such obedient husbands

Ye Liu clasped his hands and said, "Brother Li, please, please. Just help me this time around. I promise that I won't do this again." Ye Liu knew that Yu Dong would not scold him even if he were to sell the ginseng and keep the money. In fact, she wouldn't even say a word if he was to throw it away but she would be furious if she was to find out that he faced those people. 

The outsiders couldn't be trusted at the moment. This was something Yu Dong told him many times. 

"You…now you know how to be scared!" Shen Li glared at Ye Liu, he did not agree but he did not deny it either. He knew that the reason Ye Liu saved that mer was because he understood the pain of not having a child. 

Thinking about a child, he glanced at Ye Liu's belly. Yu Dong had been taking care of Ye Liu for months, she even spent more than three nights with him in a week yet there was no sound from Ye Liu's belly. 


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