
The anger of mers

When Yu Dong returned to the village, she found Lu Huo hiding behind the bushes near the bottom of the mountain. He looked up at her with tears in his eyes upon hearing the sound of footsteps coming towards him, " Ma..Madam Yu, are you okay? They…they didn't hurt you right?" 

" Get up, I am fine." Yu Dong motioned Lu Huo to stand up from the ground while looking at him with slight concern. Though Lu Huo was able to escape, it did not mean that he was not harmed, his face was slapped multiple times causing it to be swollen and there was a nasty cut on his upper lip making him look a bit scary. " Come with me, you need to treat your wounds or they will flare up." 

Lu Huo wanted to refuse but then he thought about how he would only get beaten up by his wife after she found out that he was able to escape, he nodded and followed Yu Dong to her house. 


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