
Don’t want to go to the capital.

Shen Li and Ye Liu were stupefied, they didn't intend to leave for the capital and came with the thought in their head that they just needed to be in charge of the business ideas and nothing more but now all of a sudden they needed to travel to the capital? How will that work?

" Why not?" said Yu Dong as she handed them, a bowl of medicine each. " You two won't be living there forever right? You can take this as some sort of vacation and spend some time there," then she paused and added, " I have always wanted to move to the capital, you two can check it out for me."

After saying this she turned around as she walked toward the kitchen. Shen Li and Ye Liu chased after her almost immediately while holding the bowls of medicine carefully in their hands so as to not drop any drop of the medicine.

Not that they wanted to take it but because they were afraid that spilling even a drop would get them punished to drink another bowl of this monstrosity. 


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