
Zhou Ming

The person who spoke dismounted from the carriage he was riding and then walked past the crowd. His aura was full of dignity and every action of his was full of eminence, Yu Dong looked over to the mer who was walking towards her dressed in a light pink robe that fluttered which step he took. She was certain that she has never seen this person before but of course, she has seen the person who was walking behind him. With her head lowered like a wronged child, if Yu Dong didn't see it with her own eyes she wouldn't have believed what she was seeing! 

The woman behind the mer was none other than Qiao Sha, the marquis! With Qiao Sha's title and name alone, others would start trembling all the way to their boots but right now that majestic Qiao Sha was the one who shaking like a leaf in the storm! She was even twiddling her fingers as she peeked at the mer in front of her and then glared at Mommy Jiang. 


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