
[Bonus chapter] Fang Chi

Once they reached home the usually bratty Ye Liu was unusually chatty with Yu Dong. Noticing the change between the two of them Shen Li was a little helpless, now had was no longer the only one who knew about his wife's secret. He felt a little jealous when he saw Ye Liu clinging on to their wife and talking about this and that but there was nothing else he could do, Yu Dong had changed for the better and it was given that Ye Liu and Chen Mi would get suspicious of her.

He understood that Yu Dong didn't want to lie to them nor did she want to hide the truth but still he was a bit stifled. He only went to wash laundry and Ye Liu caught the hang of such an amazing opportunity and got close to their wife. And here he was still being his usual gentle self! If this continued on he was going to be left behind! 


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